Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The year of magic

I've tried to come up with 13 descriptive words of my year, but in the end they all become an arena of confusion.
Why joy? Why confusion? Why nostalgia? These words might outline my feelings or thoughts, but they do not bring justice to an event. I cannot express an experience with words. No matter how expressive the word, the event remains unexpressed.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the Word of the Year for 2013 is

noun, informal
(also selfy; plural selfies)
"a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website."

I think that's an apt word for this year. I might have upped my selfie intake through Snapchat (I'm in rehab) but it is not Year of the Selfies for me.

This year, 2013, is the year of

"vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion."

I discovered, re-discovered and was introduced to so many life changing bands, composers and even just songs. 

Do you remember, as an early teenager, reading a book that you got completely lost in? And now, in your mid/late teen years, when you read that book again or simply remember it, you do not remember sitting comfortably on your bed, drinking in the words - you remember being the book. You're this character and now that one, now this one again. You travel with every scene change. You are the words. You are the story.

For me, that's what music does now.
I reflect on what has been, and I dream of what might be. I become the beat, I inhale the lyrics, I am the rhythm.

I wish you all a Happy New Year. Stay cool, minions.


Lara Anastasia said...

mm, music. Yes.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Make it something special, Rachie Pumpkin. x

S.K. said...

Love your way with words!

Taylor said...

i love that 'selfie' is a word added to the dictionary, but i also shake my head…haha. don't know which. happy new year to you!

taylor from anticipation

Emma Ventura said...