Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"If the clouds were singing a song, I'd sing along, wouldn't you too?"

This is the last ever 18-year-old-Rachael Axelby-selfie to be ever taken, ever. 
The 8th of May, an 18 year old. The 9th of May - 19. 
Up until this afternoon I was dreading the age change... 19 is the last teen year, it's not 18, it sounds old, doesn't look as cool. It's barely hip! 
But I realised that I am looking forward to the transition, which will take place in a few short hours (rough estimate: 2).

18 served its time of three hundred and sixty-five days. 
19 is about to serve his. 


Emma Ventura said...

You're so so pretty! :O <3

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Rach!!! 19, how thrilling! =D