Saturday, July 14, 2012

In which the parents return home. A short post.

Little Mr. Terminator. 
He kills me with love. 

Present/souvenir time. 

To break the authenticity - Angry Bird tissue packs.

Dan breaking out 'Pump It' in his chain mail shirt.

Bubble Gummers - cutest shoe box.

Cookie Monster with English-flag boxers and a soccer ball. 
Oh, and my camera has returned! I forgot what it was capable of...


Carla and Alastair said...

You must be glad to have them back! xo

Meaghan said...

Love your pictures! It's so much fun unpacking all the treasures, hey? :)

Jess Axelby said...

I cried like a little girl knowing you were all opening presents...without me. It sucks!

the t. sisters said...

Glad your parents have arrived home safely!
How lovely that they brought you home lots of presents - fun! Hope you are all well. xx

S.K. said...

Awarded you on my blog!