Two of them are a light grey and the other two are dark grey, almost black. We don't know yet how many boys or girls, so we haven't decided on names. These photos of the ones I'm holding aren't very good because Josie was panicking so I had to do it quickly, before she did something rash!
This one was crying.
I'm glad to hear that Josie had her kittens. Looking forward to being able to see them some time.
I wonder if there will be another post of "Josie and the pussy-cats" coming up soon?
I bet Lily loves them to bits!!
Josie is such a good mother.
And talking of Lily loving them to bits, the other night we had not checked on her for some time when Lily came running out excitedly yelling, 'Mummy! mummy! i was holding a kitten!' Ouch. Josie was most put out, meowing to everyone to leave her be and lying on top of them all in a protective manner.
Bethany, ask Caitlin what colour kitten she would most prefer grey, grey,grey or...what was the other one? oh yeah, grey.
tell her to take her time in choosing.
Okay... it's time for us to visit. We don't really mind about you guys, but those kittens! We must see them. Glad to see that Sophie's popularity is on the rise - I bet she is really, really happy about it!
It will be a good excuse for you to visit! They are really cute and the other day one was hissing at me. I didn't think they would be old enough, but they obviously know when they don't want people to touch them!
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